Hello! I am Juergen Corleis and welcome to my website. I hope that you will find it interesting. I am using it to gather together my experiences as a foreign correspondent, freelance journalist and documentary film maker during the period from the end of WWII in Europe through to the end of the Howard government in Australia Mostly it is support of my new book "Always on the Other Side - A journalist's journey from Hitler to Howard's end". A personal contribution to the contemporary history that shaped our social /political world in the last half of the 20th century. And the implications it has for the world we face now. But, I also wanted to make available as much related information as I could and this seems to be the best way. So I am building up pages and links to other sources that might interest you. This will be a work in progress for a long time so please check back often. March 2008 Juergen Corleis (1929 - 2011) |
19xx... too long ago!
Original web design by Michael D'Aprix mdaprix@daprix.com.au | copyright Aglaja Beyes, Estate of Juergen Corleis. All rights reserved. |